Saturday, 27 February 2010
Friday, 26 February 2010
♦ Award ♦
I got this award from Amber for being her follower. Thanks Amber!
As a recipient of the Beautiful Blogger Award, one must:
- Add a link and a note of thanks to the person giving the award
- Pass the award on to 15 bloggers whose blogs you have recently discovered that you love
- Pass the award on to 15 bloggers whose blogs you have recently discovered that you love
- Share 7 things about yourself
1 I come from a big family.2 I love to read fantasy books.
3 I love to sword fight
4 I can kill myself sometimes laughing.
5 I love to dance to music.
6 I love to blog.
7 I love Christmas.
I pass this on to:
And if you want it you can take it.
I couldn't think of anyone else.
God Bless

Thursday, 25 February 2010
Report on Ash Wensday.
Ash Wensday: In the morning Mummy and Autumn with Arwen and Moran. Took Moran to her blood-test. When Mummy and the others got home we got into tidy clothes and went to Ash Wensday. Just after Eden had received communion Guess what! She fainted!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that's just what happened to Saxobn 3 years before at Ash Wensday! One of of the Lady's at Church rang an ambulance for Eden. And very luckily there was a Doctor at the Ash Wensday mass. So Me, Autumn, Rogan, Moran, Myffwyn, and Corbyn. all went with a lady called Merin to the Presbatry where the priest's live. Sister Carmel was there also and they got us some lunch. while we where eating our lunch Saxon came in and told us what had happened with Eden and that Mum had told him to come and stay with us while she took Arwen to the hospital after our lunch we went into one of the rooms an did some drawing. At that point I had a huge headache and a little while after Rogan said he felt sick so Merin took Rogan outside into the sunshine I myself was leying on the floor by then and felt worse I didn't want to go outside though and after a little while I said to Saxon "Saxon I quick open the door I'm going to throw up!" I only just made it outside before I threw up then after I had thrown up I went to sit down with Rogan who was after a second throweing up as well just then father Felix drove up in his car and Merin said she better call Mummy to see where see was Thankfully Mummy was on her way FINALLY! And me, Eden and Rogan where in the sick bay for the next two days it was awful! So this what happened to me on ash Wensday what about YOU?
God Bless

And that's just what happened to Saxobn 3 years before at Ash Wensday! One of of the Lady's at Church rang an ambulance for Eden. And very luckily there was a Doctor at the Ash Wensday mass. So Me, Autumn, Rogan, Moran, Myffwyn, and Corbyn. all went with a lady called Merin to the Presbatry where the priest's live. Sister Carmel was there also and they got us some lunch. while we where eating our lunch Saxon came in and told us what had happened with Eden and that Mum had told him to come and stay with us while she took Arwen to the hospital after our lunch we went into one of the rooms an did some drawing. At that point I had a huge headache and a little while after Rogan said he felt sick so Merin took Rogan outside into the sunshine I myself was leying on the floor by then and felt worse I didn't want to go outside though and after a little while I said to Saxon "Saxon I quick open the door I'm going to throw up!" I only just made it outside before I threw up then after I had thrown up I went to sit down with Rogan who was after a second throweing up as well just then father Felix drove up in his car and Merin said she better call Mummy to see where see was Thankfully Mummy was on her way FINALLY! And me, Eden and Rogan where in the sick bay for the next two days it was awful! So this what happened to me on ash Wensday what about YOU?
God Bless

Monday, 22 February 2010
A Damsels Daybook 4.

Outside my window.......It's a cloudy Summers day.
I am thinking about........blogs, Daddy, Saxon, Lord of the Rings.
From the kitchen..........Ceral and milk
I am creating ........ I"m going to learn how to crochet
I am reading.........* Saint Pius X - Walter Diethelm
* Freckles - Gene Stratton -Porter
* Emily of New Moon - L. M. Montgomery
* The Crystal Snowstorm - Meriol Trevor
* William's Happy Days - Richmall Crompton
* A little Book of Manners - Emilie Barnes
I am hearing.......Eden and Moran playing cards.
I am hoping.........That we sell our house very soon.
I am planning..........To play Risk with two of my siblings.
I am wearing............Three corder-length pants and Brisingr t-shirt.
Around the house..........Daddy's coming home on friday!
My wish of the week .........That everyone will stop being sick!
God Bless

Wednesday, 17 February 2010
An Award

Here are the rules:
1. List 8 stories or books you'd like to live in. (for two weeks)
2. List eight other bloggers who deserve this award.
3. Comment on their blog, and let them know they've won an award.
- The Rangers Apprentice series.
- The Inheriatence Cycle.
- The Chronichels of Narnia.
- The Squires Tales.
- The Lord of the Rings.
- Coral Island.
- Treasure Island.
- Little Women.
I award:
God Bless

Monday, 15 February 2010
A Damsels Daybbok 3.

Outside my window.......It's a cloudy wet Summers day.
I am thinking about........blogs, Dinotopia, school, other things.
From the kitchen..........Porridge and Milk.
I am creating ........ I"m going to learn how to crochet
I am reading.........* Saint Pius X - Walter Diethelm
* Freckles - Gene Stratton -Porter
* Emily of New Moon - L. M. Montgomery
* The Crystal Snowstorm - Meriol Trevor
* William's Happy Days - Richmall Crompton
* A little Book of Manners - Emilie Barnes
I am hearing.......My brother on the other computer and me typing.
I am hoping.........That we sell our house very soon.
I am planning..........To catch up on school work.
I am wearing............ Blue denim shorts and blue T-shirt and bare feet.
Around the house..........Kynan is in Toowoomba for university stuff and is coming home on Monday!
My wish of the week ......... That Daddy will come home soon.
God Bless

Sunday, 14 February 2010
Tagged by Leia and Jo!
Thanks Jo and Leia for this tag!
There seems to be two different versions of this and I've been tagged for both.
The Rules:
1. List 8 stories or books you'd like to live in (for two weeks or so)
2. Tag 8 other bloggers
3. Comment on their blog, and let them know they've been tagged.
Now, for the tag:
Stories or Books I'd like to live in:
1. Narnia (as Lucy)
2. LOTR (as Pippin)
3. Betsy-Tacy (as Tacy)
4. Little Women (As Beth)
5. Coral Island (As Peterkin)
6. Treasure Island (As Jim Hawkins)
7. Squires tales (As Shara)
8. Eragon (As Saphira)
I tag anyone who wants to be tagged!
God Bless

There seems to be two different versions of this and I've been tagged for both.
The Rules:
1. List 8 stories or books you'd like to live in (for two weeks or so)
2. Tag 8 other bloggers
3. Comment on their blog, and let them know they've been tagged.
Now, for the tag:
Stories or Books I'd like to live in:
1. Narnia (as Lucy)
2. LOTR (as Pippin)
3. Betsy-Tacy (as Tacy)
4. Little Women (As Beth)
5. Coral Island (As Peterkin)
6. Treasure Island (As Jim Hawkins)
7. Squires tales (As Shara)
8. Eragon (As Saphira)
I tag anyone who wants to be tagged!
God Bless

Friday, 12 February 2010
Cupcake Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last monday we went to the pet store and bought a lovely little cat. We called her Cupcake and she is just so sweet! I meant to post sooner about Cupcake but haven't had a chance. I love having her snuggled on my lap with me stroking her. She's so nice and soft! Here are some pictures of her:

God Bless

God Bless

Thursday, 11 February 2010
I LOVE STRAUSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love Strauss! He is one of my all time favorite composers. He's music is just beatiful and perfect to dance to! My favorite Walts and polkas are: Roses from the south and Tales from Vienna woods. here is a link from the wikipedia for more info. and here is some pictures of

God Bless

Monday, 8 February 2010
A Damsels Daybook 2.

Outside my window.......It's a cloudy summers day.
I am thinking work, e-mails, blog posts, Lord of the Rings and Daddy in Victoria.
I am thinking work, e-mails, blog posts, Lord of the Rings and Daddy in Victoria.
From the kitchen..........Pasta.
I am creating ........ I"m going to learn how to crochet
I am reading.........* Saint Pius X - Walter Diethelm
* Freckles - Gene Stratton -Porter
* Emily of New Moon - L. M. Montgomery
* The Crystal Snowstorm - Meriol Trevor
* William's Happy Days - Richmall Crompton
* A little Book of Manners - Emilie Barnes
I am hearing.......Arwen bottom scooting someone getting their breakfast and me typing.
I am hoping.........That we sell our house very soon.
I am planning.......... To continue working out ideas for my book.
I am wearing............ Brown shorts and blue T-shirt and bare feet.
Around the house..........Kynan is going on sunday to Toowoomba.
My wish of the week .........That everything goes well while Kynan is away.
God Bless

Sunday, 7 February 2010
Father of the Bride

Father of the Bride is absolutely hilarious movie.
The Fathers name is George Banks and he is devastated when he hears that he's daughter is getting married after coming home from Rome and has fallen in love with this guy was in Rome at the same time she was. and the Father who dos not want to spend to much money on his daughters wedding they have a wedding arranger by the name of Franck who dos not speak English very well he says kake instead of cake and is just so funny and hilarious. The guy with the white hair is Steve Martin and he plays the Dad.
And the second Father of the Bride is just as good!
My favorite character is Franck.
My favorite character is Franck.
Friday, 5 February 2010
The Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit.

Braedon got the easy questions! Braedon was old croaky A.K.A. Galadrial Saxon was Aragorn and Eden was Frodo! Braedon won! (of course). but it was all questions from the movie and not from the book otherwise Braedon wouldn't of won. Me and Eden had to close our eyes with some of the questions cause it showed you some of the bits of the movie out of the last Lord of the Rings and spoil it!(Which we haven't seen).

God Bless

Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Monday, 1 February 2010
A Damsels Daybook 1

Outside my window.......It's a sunny, windy summers day.
I am thinking about........Snow White, writing, having no more holidays for a while, blog posts, people following my blog.
From the kitchen..........Rissoles, chips and noddles and veggies for dinner.
I am creating ........ I"m going to learn how to crochet
I am reading.........* Saint Pius X - Walter Diethelm
* Freckles - Gene Stratton -Porter
* Emily of New Moon - L. M. Montgomery
* The Crystal Snowstorm - Meriol Trevor
* William's Happy Days - Richmall Crompton
* A little Book of Manners - Emilie Barnes
I am hearing.......Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, me typing and Mummy doing surprise stuff.
I am hoping.........That we sell our house very soon.
I am planning..........To clean out my wardrobe, and to continue working out ideas for my book.
I am wearing............ Blue denim shorts and blue T-shirt and bare feet.
Around the house..........Kynan is going to Toowoomba for university stuff.
My wish of the week ......... Other then sell our house. That I go well with all my school work this week.
God Bless

* Freckles - Gene Stratton -Porter
* Emily of New Moon - L. M. Montgomery
* The Crystal Snowstorm - Meriol Trevor
* William's Happy Days - Richmall Crompton
* A little Book of Manners - Emilie Barnes
I am hearing.......Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, me typing and Mummy doing surprise stuff.
I am hoping.........That we sell our house very soon.
I am planning..........To clean out my wardrobe, and to continue working out ideas for my book.
I am wearing............ Blue denim shorts and blue T-shirt and bare feet.
Around the house..........Kynan is going to Toowoomba for university stuff.
My wish of the week ......... Other then sell our house. That I go well with all my school work this week.
God Bless

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