Monday 1 February 2010

A Damsels Daybook 1

My sister Autumn is hosting this. Go over to her blog for more info. on "A Damsels Daybook"!!!!!!

Outside my window.......It's a sunny, windy summers day.

I am thinking about........Snow White, writing, having no more holidays for a while, blog posts, people following my blog.

From the kitchen..........Rissoles, chips and noddles and veggies for dinner.

I am creating ........ I"m going to learn how to crochet

I am reading.........* Saint Pius X - Walter Diethelm
* Freckles - Gene Stratton -Porter
* Emily of New Moon - L. M. Montgomery
* The Crystal Snowstorm - Meriol Trevor
* William's Happy Days - Richmall Crompton
* A little Book of Manners - Emilie Barnes

I am hearing.......Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, me typing and Mummy doing surprise stuff.

I am hoping.........That we sell our house very soon.

I am planning..........To clean out my wardrobe, and to continue working out ideas for my book.

I am wearing............ Blue denim shorts and blue T-shirt and bare feet.

Around the house..........Kynan is going to Toowoomba for university stuff.

My wish of the week ......... Other then sell our house. That I go well with all my school work this week.
God Bless


  1. When you said "shorts and bare feet" I remembered that y'all are having summer time :) We have a foot of snow here, and I guarantee you: no one is going around in bare feet :P

  2. Dear Vellvin,
    I love your list and can't wait to help you crochet.
    Lots of love Mummy

  3. @Jo, I can see why.
    @Mummy Love, You!

  4. Hoping you sell your house, too! Wishing you a grand day! Cathy


Hello, please do comment won't you.? :)
I enjoy reading every single one, though I might not reply to them very quickly, be assured that I read and enjoyed each one.
God Bless! :)


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