Monday 16 May 2011

A Damsels Daybook 10.

 My sister Autumn hosts this. Go over to her blog if you would like to participate for details

Outside my window.......It is a blue sky today. 
I am thinking about......... The baby how I want it to come today, The printer which is being currently annoying, my family, blogs and such stuff.
From the kitchen..........Breakfast almost everyone finished. 
I am creating .........Knitting a washer for the new little baby. :D 
I am reading.........
My Bible.
Little Woman

I am hearing....... Siblings, the computer,my thoughts.

I am hoping.........That the baby will come today. 
I am planning.......... To do some knitting, reading, writing, to have a good week. 
I am wearing............ Skirt, Jumper, skivvy, socks and shoes. :D
Around the house..........  Waiting for the baby to arrive.

My wish of the week .........  That the baby comes today!!!!!

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for participating dear sis!
    Love ya.
    And great list!!!!!!!!!


Hello, please do comment won't you.? :)
I enjoy reading every single one, though I might not reply to them very quickly, be assured that I read and enjoyed each one.
God Bless! :)


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