Grace who has a private blog said anyone can do this. So I'm going to do it!
What do I like about Christmas?I like Christmas because it is the day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus!
What do I really want for Christmas?
I want Dinotopia DVDs
How do I like celebrate Christmas?
I like to celebrate Christmas at home with my family.
What do I like to eat on Christmas?
The Christmas dinner we always have!
What colors do I like to ware on Christmas?
Random colors
Do I put Christmas lights on my house?
Do my family and I have a Christmas tree?
Do I like Santa?
NO Way!!!
Do I like to make Christmas decorations?
I love to make Christmas Decorations!
Do I like to have Christmas at home with your family or do I like to spend the it with my Grandparents Aunts and Uncles and other family?
I like to have Christmas at home with my family because when we're around other family we're around other family my family behave differently and I like it when everyone behaves how they usually do.
If you want to answer the questions do a post on your blog but if you don't want to you don't have too.
God Bless