I'm sorry it took me so long to do this. Once again, I've been busy. On Tuesday we went and saw Guardians of the Galaxy, Wednesday it was my Dad's birthday and the other days have just been so busy! But anyway here are the results....finally. :)
You may be wondering why there is a LOTR picture in this post. The answer is that it simply looks cool. :) |
NOTE: Just the person's name in the section, people who got it right, means they got one point, two is indicated by a star on each side of the person's name, and three by two stars either side. Hope that helps. :)
And now the answers:
"Toothless, down. *Gently.*See? Nothing to be afraid of...Augh! Toothless! What is *wrong* with you? Bad dragon! A-ha, he's uh, he's not usually like this... Oh no... Toothless, what are you doing, we need her to *like* us! And now, the spinning. Thank you for *nothing*, you useless reptile!"
Movie: How To Train Your Dragon. Character talking: Hiccup
People who got it right: *Sophie* *Imogen* *Jamie* *Benjamin* *Bell*
"Did you ever meet such a proud, disagreeable man?"
"The very rich can afford to give offense wherever they go. We need not care for his good opinion."
"No, indeed."
"Perhaps he is not so handsome after all...?"
"Indeed not. Quite ill-favored."
Movie: Pride and Predjudice (1995) Characters talking: Mrs. Bennet and Lizzy.
People who got it right: **Bell** **Benjamin** **Imogen** **Sophie**
You all deserve a wink from Mrs. Bennet. :) |
"The list, yeah, yeah yeah. Well, you see it was like this. I was in the toy store getting uniforms when I heard a "aroo aroo". "
"You're not coming through."
"A dog came! I ran! I had baby bonnet, girl in bag, and Basil ch-chased me."
"What? Basil on the case? Why, you gibbering, little... hm... hm... HMMMMM! Oh, my dear Fidget, you have been hanging upside down too long."
"You mean you're not mad? I'm glad you're taking it so well."
Movie: The Great Mouse Detective. Characters talking: Fidget and Ratigan.
People who got it right: **Imogen** **Benjamin**
"Now, see here... "
"Doctor, I'd love to chat. Tea, cake, the whole shebang, but I have a ship to launch and you've got your outfit to buff up."
Movie: Treasure Planet. Characters talking: Doctor Dobbler and Captain Amelia.
People who got it right: Jamie,
"Viscount, you may not be aware of what my job entails as the Royal Head of Security. My job is to protect the crown. To make sure no harm comes to the crown. To step in when someone toys with the crown's emotions."
"I think the entire country understands how well you cater for the crown's emotions."
"If you hurt my girl, you will answer directly to me, and whatever crimes I commit against you, remember, I have diplomatic immunity in 46 countries, including Puerto Rico."
"Sir, you will find that the word "fear" is not in my vocabulary!"
"Perhaps... but it's in your eyes."
Movie: Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement. Characters talking: Joe and Viscount Mabrey
People who got it right: **Bell**
Threatening at it's best. :) |
"We can have time for chit-chat later. What I need now is the work of a reader, an inventor, and a biter."
Movie: A Series of Unfortunate Events. Character talking: Uncle Monty
People who got it right: No one.
"I have introduced myself. You have introduced yourself. This is a very good conversation."
Movie: The Last Samurai. Character talking: Katsumoto
People who got it right: No one.
Best buddies. :) |
"Definitely not! Most unhealthy!
"Six, if you please."
Movie: Nanny McPhee. Characters talking: Mr. Brown and Aunt Adelaide.
People who got it right: **Bell**
"There were no F names in the Bible so Ma named him Frankincense because he smelled so sweet."
Movie: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Character talking: Caleb
People who got it right: Jamie, Bell,
"His name was Mr. Underappreciated.
"What is underdemeciated?"
"That's right, I forgot, you're 6, well his name was Sir Fix-a-lot."
Movie: Bedtime Stories. Characters talking: Skeeter and Patrick
People who got it right: **Bell**
Jamie: 4
Sophie: 5
Benjamin: 8
Imogen: 8
Bell: 14
And Bell is the winner! Whoohoo! Great job everyone! :D
So yes, it seems that this month it was rather a challenge for most people. Thank you for participating everyone. Better luck next time! :D
God Bless